No lights along the bayshore bikeway on Christmas night and all the dog walkers and drug dealers have taken a holiday, there is nobody. Gorgeous to go top speed and to not slow the pedals when you think about running into some opossum or rabbit and flying into the bush, to speed harder and harder into the darkness and not slow down but go faster in the blindness reacting every second and trying not to lose the dim outline of the bike trail.
When I hit the section adjacent to route 75 theres a view of moonlight out over the bay and silver cloudstreaks reflecting double in water. It feels like an entire hemisphere of mercury glow, like an old movie playing over the water and the sky, and right next to it, just outside the light, the bike path remains dark and separate like a secret place to watch from.
I got to the first vulgar traffic lights heading in to Coronado Cays and turned back. My luck held out and I made it home without flying over the handlebars and without any little critter's blood on my hands and I filled my belly up with delicious greasy leftovers of Christmas ham. All was well.